We know that when exhibitors have a less than successful show the first people they blame are the organisers.
We also know that the main reason they don’t achieve their desired outcome is because they need help with their exhibition strategy.
Task Force 2 will help your exhibitors streamline their exhibition process and increase ROI. When your clients get the result they're looking for, you know you've delivered.
We offer multiple services that can be tailored to your requirements.
Working in partnership with you we will run a short, industry specific training session for your exhibitors giving them the tools they need to increase R.O.I. and realise their full potential, this demonstrates you are committed to their success at your trade show.
Using our methods, your exhibitors are virtually guaranteed success which will have them queueing to rebook their stand for your next exhibition.
Topics covered include:
An eye opening session that will save everyone time and money.
A valuable tool for organisers who want to asses their exhibitors' potential for success or identify reasons for their failure.
This involves visiting your clients' stands at different times during the day, assessing stand impact, observing staff interaction with visitors, engaging with and evaluating staff performance. We will provide a comprehensive report detailing what worked well and what could be improved on.
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